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SailTime Membership Program

SailTime is an exclusive boating club membership that gives you freedom on the water.

a small boat in a body of water

Imagine the thrill of riding the waves, and heading for a secluded bay at sunset to enjoy a quiet dinner with friends and family. A SailTime boating membership gives you the time onboard so you can have the thrill of creating lasting memories like these. We offer memberships on high-quality sailboats and catamarans. It’s this simple: You pay an annual membership fee, reserve your time online and then head to the boat to sail with your crew. When you’re finished for the day you button her up for the next member, step off, and walk away planning your next trip.

Regular Local Boating*

As a Member you can enjoy a day, weekend or weeklong trips via regular access to the boat you join at a regional base of your choice. Our on-line scheduling and management tools make skippering new yachts both practical and cost effective. No slip fees and insurance costs or maintenance to do on the boat. We take care of all of that for you. Plus you have a choice of two levels of membership to choose from depending on how often you want to go boating; plus there’s an option just to get onboard as crew to help sail the boat.

Global Access

We are the world’s largest boat membership company! SailTime has bases stretching from Europe to down under in Australia, and Members can use SailTime Plus to take out a boat in another location. With a standardized pricing plan, a boating experience is possible in many locations usually not available with a traditional charter company.


It doesn’t matter if you’re new to boating or an old hand who wants to brush up on your skills, our award winning training centers and instructors are ready to help. We require all of our members to reach a certain standard of expertise before piloting a boat on their own and are always standing by to help as you work to expand your skill on the water.

  • Members design their sailing calendar using an online scheduling system
  • Guaranteed access that’s affordable, hassle-free and easy to schedule – 24/7
  • Make instant sailing reservations or plan up to a year in advance
  • Top quality boats that are professionally managed
  • Worldwide access through the SailTime Plus program
  • Low commitment of 12 months
  • North America’s largest network of ASA sailing schools
  • Membership fees vary by boat size, location and the number of monthly uses

So whether you want to sail with dolphins in Sydney Harbor, motor past the Statue of Liberty or even use a catamaran in the Caribbean, we have a boat that’s ready when you are.


Our Classic membership gives you 7 times each month on your membership sailboat guaranteed, plus free additional as-available sailing. At SailTime Chesapeake Bay South, we have a 2018 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 389, 2018 Beneteau Oceanis 35.1 and a Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 available for membership. We take care of the maintenance, slip fees, insurance, pump-outs, refueling, etc. All you have to do is come out and sail!

Memberships are available at our Bay Point Marina location in Norfolk.

For more information visit us at or call 757-480-SAIL (7245).